Sunday, March 9, 2025

Redwork Noel Stitch-a-Long, part 9

Hi everyone! Here's where I was at our last check in: I had finished 100 out of 120 rows: 

And here's where I am now: 

That's 110 out of 120 rows done! The stitches at the top left show the height of the design, so I'm really close now. I should be able to get the stitching done by our next check in, and as a stretch I will also get the backstitching done. 

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long work on an amazing variety of projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired : Avis, Claire, Christina, KathyMargaret, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and Helen. We're also saying farewell to Gun -- we'll miss your updates!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Redwork Noel Stitch-a-Long, part 8

Hi everyone! Life remains crazy, but I'm making myself carve out time to stitch. 

Here's where I was at our last check in: I had finished 90 out of 120 rows: 

And here's where I am now: 

That's 100 out of 120 rows done! Still a ways to go, but I see light at the end of the tunnel -- and am already pondering what to take on next!

Last time I teased a project I was working on for a friend's birthday. Happy to report that it was finished in plenty of time and Suz loved her gift. 

It's a Mill Hill kit called Into the Woods. It's a tribute to her black cats, current and those who have crossed the rainbow bridge. 

I'm going to keep working on "Noel", and hopefully will have 10 more rows done by our next check-in in three weeks. 

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long work on an amazing variety of projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired : Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and Helen.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Redwork Noel Stitch-a-Long, part 7

Hi everyone! In dark times, there's always stitching to be done. 

At our last check in I had finished a full 10 rows, or 80 out of 120, thanks to a weirdly delayed flight. 

And thanks to a long weekend (the last one for MONTHS, unfortunately) I got another 10 rows completed--so I'm at 90 out of 120. 


I also promised to show pictures of two projects I wrapped up just in time for Christmas. Of course, I didn't take pictures of one of them "made up", but you will get the idea. 

First I made this for my friend Inga, who just moved from New York City to Miami. It's called Autumn in New York, by Embroidery and Sage

All those French knots were REALLY DIFFICULT, but I loved the outlines of the buildings. I know Inga was going to miss NYC and especially changing seasons, so it seemed perfect. 

Then I made this for my friend Rebecca who adores Paris. It's called "Rooftops of Paris", also by Embroidery and Sage. 

I really enjoyed stitching this -- so many tiny lines!

I have another project I'm working on right now that's for an upcoming birthday, and I'll share it after it is gifted. I'll also keep working on "Noel", and hopefully will have 10 more rows done by our next check-in in three weeks. 

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long work on an amazing variety of projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired : Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and Helen.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Redwork Noel Stitch-a-Long, part 6

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and that 2025 is starting off well. 

At our last check in I had only stitched a single line -- the missing bottom line of this piece: 

In the last three weeks I hoped to get a lot of stitching done, but of the four long flights, only one really allowed for stitching. The first one I was in the middle seat with a stranger on my left side (doesn't seem right to keep pulling a needle at a stranger!). The second one I was so tired I actually slept a little (hooray!). I didn't even unpack my stitching while we were in Rio, but was excited to stitch on the long flight from Rio to New York. Somehow, however, I was in a section with no reading light at the seat... so on the overnight flight they turned off the cabin lights and I was in total darkness. 

Finally, on the flight from New York to Seattle was had a strange incident -- a passenger left a bag in the terminal but didn't realize it until we had pulled away from the gate. I can only assume this set off something worse INSIDE the terminal, but we had a 3-hour delay while authorities were called, paperwork was filled out, and the passenger was escorted back into the terminal to identify the bag. 

I, however, used the extra time (and the 5+ hour flight) to stitch. As a result, I stitched 10 more rows, so I have completed 80 out of 120 rows. 

Next time I'll share pictures of the Christmas projects -- and hopefully have another 10 rows completed.

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long work on an amazing variety of projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired : Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and Helen.