
Monday, December 1, 2014

101 Tasks in 1001 Days November Wrap-Up

It seems like the days are zooming past -- how is it December already? -- and I worry, sometimes, that I'm not getting much traction on this project as I'd like! But it's good to take this chance to look back and see where I've made at least some progress.

Tasks I've completed this month:
1. Finish my list of 101 tasks -- finished 11/13/14!
57. Run a sub 30-minute 5K -- completed 11/02/14!
72. Watch all of West Wing -- completed 11/30/2014
73. Watch all 6 Star Wars films in one day -- completed on "ThanksGEEKing", 11/27/2014

Tasks I've made progress against:
43. Use or refund all expired "Groupons" -- made list on 11/4/14
76. Visit 5 new museums or exhibits - 1/5 (Pop! Departures, Seattle Art Museum, 11/30/2014)
77. Prepare 1 new recipe / month -- 3/3 so far!!
78. Complete the Rosetta Stone Spanish software -- I installed the software and completed the first lesson on 11/11!
88. Take cheese courses at River Valley Cheese -- attended the first one on 11/22!

Clearly, I have a lot left to do -- but starting to tackle my "Groupons", starting the Rosetta Stone spanish software, and finishing the list of 101 tasks feels like real progress.

I predict December will be extra chaotic (You too? Yeah, I know...), but I would like to finish at least the first disc of the Rosetta Stone software and complete one of the Craftacular projects as well.


  1. Did you buy the Rosetta Stone Software when Amazon had that great deal on it? That's when I bought the French set which is still sitting unopened on the dining room table. :)

  2. Not sure if it was Amazon, Groupon, or AAA... but it was a screamin great deal for the 5-level set + online access at under $200. It's been A Long Time since it was purchased... because we swore up and down that we'd learn Spanish for our trip to Peru... sigh.
