
Monday, September 8, 2014

Five things I love about Rock 'n' Roll Vancouver!

I thought this would be the year I didn't manage to work a Rock 'n' Roll race -- schedules, life, and my search for a new state meant that none of the events really worked for me.

But apparently earlier this year I asked Angie from our events team about Vancouver, and she put me on the expo team list. And then it turned out that we had an extra entry available. So, all of a sudden, I'm going to Vancouver in October for Rock 'n' Roll. (Woot!)

I love working (and running, obviously) Rock 'n' Roll events. Great big bustling expos, lots of gear to look at and try, and lots of excited first-time runners. But this race is extra great


photo from Competitor Group
Yep, the medals celebrate the Lions on the Lions Gate Bridge - okay, we won't actually see the lions from the course, but...

2. Speaking of courses -- we ran the BMO Vancouver Half back in 2012 and found it rather hilly... It looks as if this course doesn't run up the hill to Prospect Point -- and that the steepest hill is less than 75 feet in elevation. Plus, we do get to run in Stanley Park and along the seawall -- sweet!

3. A sweet participant shirt

photo from Competitor Group

I have DOZENS of event shirts. Heck, I made my first 49 of 'em into a quilt. I already have enough to make nearly two more. I rarely wear them after I get them. But the few I do wear are all what I like to call "the holy grail of race shirts" -- BLACK, LONG-SLEEVED TECH SHIRTS. In all the races I have run so far, I have only received 3 (count 'em, THREE) black shirts: Rock 'n' Roll Denver Half 2011, W. Mass Mother's Day Half 2012, Wine and Dine Half 2013. And only one -- Wine and Dine -- was a long sleeve. So I am pretty excited about earning this.

4. It's an inaugural race. Who doesn't love an inaugural race? (Especially one by a company that's skilled at putting on big races...). People get a little crazy about inaugurals... but I'll write about that another time.

5. Finally -- I get to take the train up to Vancouver. What's not to love about that?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those medals look awesome.
    Thanks for popping over to visit my blog.
