The premise? It's like a mud run, I suppose -- except with luminous green slime and no mud. Well, I say luminous green… but the map has a few different colors indicating the "slime zones"…
Does that mean the slime will be different colors??? The mind boggles…
With our registration (a relative bargain at $25, thanks to the Groupon), we get a Slime Run headband (which I will rock on race day, and never again afterward…), a plastic Slime Run mug (clearly Goodwill-bound…), a "barrel of slime run slime", and, when we finish, a medal. Not sure I need / deserve a medal after a 5K, but I do love me some bling…
Not sure if I've actually managed to make this sound appealing… but Team Wil-Sun will be getting our goo on in Seattle (well, okay, Carnation…) on April 4!

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