
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Boot Camp with Patrick

Went to Patrick's Boot Camp on Friday morning... He has a very laid-back style, and spends a lot of time telling us why we are doing the exercises. He also has a lot of experience working with elderly clients, so knows what will happen to bodies that aren't strengthened now!

The morning session only had two people... Which doesn't bode well for it being continued in the next session, unfortunately.

The workout was good -- lots of strength work that had sweat literally dripping off my nose. But I am not gonna lie -- Patrick's workout wasn't nearly as tough as Dillon's. Still, I will definitely feel it -- especially in my shoulders. I just never had an "omg I'm gonna hurl" moment on Friday...

We got to Anaheim last night, spent a little time in the parks, but were pretty happy that they closed early ;). Got some dinner (hooray for Alertos) and were tucked up in bed by 10. Yeah, we're big partiers...

Today we'll pick up our packets, grab a drink with our pal Jenny, and maybe go for a swim...

In other news, I think I chose my shade of "race-day polish" badly. I was going for Tinker Bell pixie green... But seem to have ended up with zombie flesh... Never trust the fluorescent bulbs!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sunny....Not a comment about recent
    stuff. I stumbled on your postings
    from the Great Alaskan Marathon
    Cruise (last July). Really enjoyed
    reading them and the pictures were
    great ! My wife and I will be doing the 2012 cruise. Your
    postings gave me an insight on what to expect. If you're doing the 2012 cruise...we'll see you in late July!
    Gary & Leshia (from Virginia)
