
Friday, June 24, 2011

Rock 'n' Roll Seattle Race Expo

Spent a little too long at expo today... but had to see Meredith before she disappears for the summer! Also ran into Lindsay, who was there picking up... Wil's bib. Great to see her and get caught up a little with all of her adventures! She and Patrick are doing crazy amounts of work on their new house -- amazing!

So here's something funny -- Lindsay and I registered for this year's race at last year's expo. Sure, we did it at the same time. But I still didn't expect this:

Yeah, that's right. Consecutive numbers. Now, Wil and I sign up for things together all the time. And it's rare that our race numbers are even in the same freakin' corral. So that's super weird.

Anyway, also picked up this year's pin, pint glasses, and (as my "Brooks employee bonus") a very cool beer stein. Ran into a few other colleagues -- everyone has that same "oh, well, it'll be okay" tone that I have about this race. Which is sorta satisfying.

All my gear is set and ready to go for tomorrow. Now all I have to do is get a decent night's sleep.

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