Our adventures big and small.
This year I'm trying to flourish more and languish less.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
yes, 26.2 miles is a long way, but....
11 Ways to Cheat While Running a Marathon
Friday, November 4, 2011
The other day Athleta sent out this "Finding Your Fitness Mojo" blog post... and I really liked their completely obvious yet also useful tips on staying motivated:
- Get rid of the excuses. No one is too old, too tired, too unfit or too busy to start an exercise program. You just have to make it a priority.
- Start small. Make your exercise goals achievable and reasonable. You will be more likely to follow through.
- Keep it simple. No need to spend $100 month to join a gym or to buy expensive gear. Get out for a walk or short run. Invest in a yoga DVD and do it in your living room.
- Have a plan for the week and write it down. Post it in a visible spot like the refrigerator, not in the bottom of your sock drawer.
- Make it easy to get out the door. Lay out clothing, set out water bottles, pre-program the coffee maker, whatever it takes.
- Pick a goal. Sign up for a 5K race or join a 30-day yoga challenge. Making a solid commitment increases your chances that you will stick to your plan.
- Surround yourself with like-minded people. You’ll be more likely to follow your fitness routine if your friends are committed to theirs. If your friends are all couch potatoes, they may influence you to be one too.
- Don’t lose your momentum. Stick to your plan. The more days that you have under your belt, the more motivation you will feel to continue.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Body Revolution at 6am...
Perhaps it could be argued that by not attending for three weeks, I couldn't justify it. But hope springs eternal, right?
I knew I wouldn't make it on Wednesday night, so I rescheduled my session for this morning... At 6am.
That Dillon totally kicked my butt. A couple of times I felt woozy. Not just tired, but borderline close to passing out. But in a good way. I think.
But starting at 6, and ending at 7 is pretty awesome. I could imagine getting in the car and driving straight to Bothell after, and showering at work. Maybe it is a better way for me to get my weekly session on? Especially when I start my "21 day jump start to fitness"...
I hope that I don't completely seize up while sitting in these conference rooms......
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Completely awesome treadmill run!
So I popped out of bed, threw on some running gear, and headed downstairs to the treadmill.
Sometimes I dread running, especially if I have missed a few workouts, but this morning went really, really well. I wasn't particularly fast or anything, but the running felt natural and easy. Really great to feel so relaxed on a run.
The only problem I was was that my treadmill goes into "cool down" mode after 35 minutes of you hit the quick start button. Oops. Once it goes into cool down, you can't add time. So when I needed an extra few minutes for my real cool down, I had to march on place while the program reset.
Still, it was a great little workout, and a good reminder that I am always happier for having worked out!
... Even if I did have to run out of the house with soaking wet hair....
Tomorrow I am going to the SIX a.m Body Revolution class. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pumpkin Push 5K Race Report
Until now.
Suz was looking for an October 5K and was considering the Dawg Dash. But what with T-Mobile being a sponsor and all, I convinced her to run one of the Halloween 5Ks instead. But which one to run? The Pumpkin Push? Or Run Scared?
Because Pumpkin Push benefitted healthcare for Seattle's homeless, it was a pretty easy choice. So, the date was set. But what to wear?!?!
A few weeks ago Wil and I stopped in at a Value Village in Lynnwood. I discovered an amazing bull costume. Not one of those 2-person models -- a proper costume in brand new black velveteen. Or velour. Whatever.

But even when I bought it, I hadn't considered the race. I just thought it was too good a deal to pass up.
Then when Suz and I were emailing about the race, genius struck. The running of the bulls!!!!
All she needed was a white top and trousers, and I would supply the red kerchief and sash. Perfect!
Sure, okay, people thought Suz was a matador.... and one elderly volunteer thought I was a Viking (huh?!?), but the literary minded instantly recognized it. Let's just call it a win, shall we?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Things I learned today...
1. St. Crispin is the patron saint of cobblers (and tanners and saddlers, etc.) Now, I'm not a cobbler, but I do work for a shoe manufacturer, so I have decided to feel a kinship. And it's a good excuse to watch Branagh's Henry V and the St. Crispin's Day speech (here mislabeled as "Eve of Saint Crispin's Day". We few, we happy few...
2. It is very, very difficult to run while wearing a bull costume. I'm going to have to do some major modifications of the headpiece. And I nearly suffocated from the nose.
3. It is amazing how quickly one can become ill while running 8-minute miles on a treadmill after two pints of beer, some tater tots, and some hummus. I might have been able to manage the bull costume had I not been fighting the urge to throw up.
Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
Oh, except for the fact that I am now feeling semi obsessed with running a race on St. Crispin's Day sometime... looks like I'll probably have to wait until 2014 for a Saturday, October 25. :)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Wil's back on his feet!
Well, you know how uneventful a track run is -- we went round and round and round. Like Nascar, only much slower. We kept to the outside of the track, swapping lanes halfway through.
Wil being Wil, he is of course in better shape than I am despite having not run since June. But it was good to be back out there with my running buddy!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Haller Lake Run
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Denver Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Race Report
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Denver Rock 'n' Roll Expo
Expo was cool -- interesting to see the "backstage" areas and how things were organized. I chatted with some of the other vendors, especially with a very nice man from Run Disney. He was glad to hear that we had gotten in to the Tinker Bell Half before it sold out -- me too. It's amazing how quickly the Disneyland races sell out.
I never felt that the expo got super busy, or super crowded. We heard that this race had about 15,000 registrants, and 80% of them are local. Not sure how many people picked up their packets -- apparently the weather was really bad just 40 miles south of here, so some people may have just decided to def it rather than fight through snow.
I think I would have preferred it busier, so as to make time go by faster... but time passed just fine. I liked that the expo / event crew were all cool, nice people -- and it was fun to spend some time with the gurus. And most of the customers were nice. That said, I spent a lot of the day with a banging headache, feeling a little sad, and missing Wil and the kitties.
But it's 7:24 and I'm already back in the room, having some dinner (pesto noodles, a tomato and cucumber salad) and getting ready to have a bath. Just checked the weather report for tomorrow -- it's supposed to be "much warmer" than today -- which is good, because it was really, really cold today! Still, I'll be in capris and long sleeves... and perhaps even arm warmers.
Tomorrow is going to be tough... but I decided to pamper myself a bit and book "stretch" seating on the plane ride home. It also means I'll be off the plane quickly (not in the 3rd from last row...) and first on. Yay me!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mile High
Today is set-up day, which I've done before. Basically we get there and start unpacking boxes -- separating clothes from shoes, MC product, and cavalcade prizes. Then we'll go through and put everything in size order and then merchandise them on the racks, adding signs and things to make them look pretty. This will take all day. I really enjoy this -- it gives me a chance to see all of the apparel in person... and to do a little browsing!
Friday and Saturday I'll be working the Cavalcade -- either handing out the cards, supervising a game, or doling out prizes. Friday night there's a "VIP Party" (ha ha) with Competitor -- we'll see how long I last. :)
Saturday the expo closes at 5, and then it's all hands on deck while we break down the booth. Apparently it's much faster to break down than set up. Very cool.
Then back to the hotel for an early night -- Sunday morning our call tie is 4:40 am. WOW. That will get us over to the start area in time to set up the VIP Porta Potty and start serving customers.
Then at 6:55 am, the race starts! I'm in corral #13 -- Lucky 13 -- out of 16. (17?) Puts me safely in the bottom third of the pack, where I expect (hope?) to finish.
Then what? Who knows. My flight isn't until 6:15, which means I might be able to catch part of the game on TV. :) Of course I also don't know if I"ll be needed after the race -- or if I'll be able to shower and change!
Friday, September 30, 2011
I < 3 GOOD!!!
The October 30 Day Challenge from GOOD is .... GET HEALTHY!!!
Bless. I pledge to follow their lead for the next 30 days. And run 2 half marathons. :)
In completely random news... Wil and I are spending the weekend on the Olympic Peninsula... and just had a great chat with "Chris" and "Ally" next to the fire here at Lake Quinault about running. Yay for random meetings!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
30 day challenges...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Three Things Thursday - Squats, Lunges, and Crunches
Again, Dillon is great -- she walks around the gym, correcting form as needed, cheering us on, telling us when we're working hard / looking good / finishing strong / etc. Again, really nice.
I expect to have very sore abs in the morning. :)
I decided to sign up for one session a week -- seems like a good start -- and then I'll do the 21-day jumpstart starting on November 1. Anyone up for it?
Soma Deal on "Green Lake Moms"
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I Tried It Tuesday: Body Revolution
So -- I went back last night and... it was amazing. I should have written this blog post last night because I came home all glowing and endorphin rushy. I felt like I had been through the wringer, but was really blissed out afterwards.
We started by warming up on the various cardio machines, and then all did a group warm-up. Some kicks, some running in place, some lunges, some push-ups, etc. Then Dillon (the owner / instructor) quickly set up some stations and explained what we'll be doing.
Last night the stations were: push-ups, side lunges with kettlebells, a wood-chop/circular motion with medicine balls, squats / throwing medicine ball agains the wall, sort of hanging chinups, stepping up onto a high bench, and jumping jack squats. Each interval lasts a minute, I think, with 15 seconds of recovery between intervals where you move from one station to the next. During the interval you do the exercise as much as you can. Because it was my first time with her, Dillon had me do some of the exercises without weights -- so that she could check my form. I still feel like I got a killer workout!
We did a full circuit, then took a break for water and air, and then started again. It was all very high energy. I noticed that the women didn't talk to each other much, and Dillon did some talking, but mainly kept time, checked people's form and corrected it as necessary, and kept people moving and motivated. I liked the way she worked with all of us -- urging us to keep going ("I didn't say to stop!" "A little higher, ladies") and gently correcting and praising.
At the end of our third circuit we did some stretching and cooling down. I had to leave the studio to get a little fresh air -- I had that vaguely queasy feeling I sometimes get after working out really hard -- which, to me, is the mark of a fine, fine workout. But, no, I didn't lose it. :)
At the very end we were stretching our hamstrings -- mine are notoriously tight -- and she came up behind me, put her hand on the small of my back, and said "A little lower" with a gentle push. And I did. It wasn't comfortable, but I did get a deeper stretch. I read back over this paragraph and it looks silly -- but it was somehow ... compelling?
I'm going back on Wednesday, but then I need to make a decision. Do I continue? I mean, it feels like a lot of money. $90/month for 1 class/week. $180/month for 2. I mean, I wouldn't pay $840 for a year's gym membership (let alone $1680...). Which is silly, because there are plenty of things I spend that kind of money on. But I really enjoyed the class, the energy, and the workout.
Go on, someone. Tell me to just pony up and do it. :)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Chips and Salsa Half Marathon Race Report
Except one -- Wil's poorly foot. See, I booked this trip a couple of weeks before the burn. And of course Wil hasn't been allowed to walk very much, let alone run. But the tickets were purchased, the hotel was booked, and the race had been registered for -- so we thought we might as well go for it.
To cut to the chase -- we're really glad we did. We had a great weekend and a fantastic time in Albuquerque. The city is beautiful, the sky feels enormous, the food is fantastic, and the people, well, they're cool too.
Since we were so far to the back of the pack, we wanted to make sure and watch the final finishers come in. Every time we spotted someone coming around the last bend, we all stood up and whooped. Finally, everyone was in except the last woman. One volunteer was holding a medal -- the last medal -- but they started breaking some of the things down. (The 5K clock, the 10K clock, some of the extra matting.) I got a little worried. We walked over to the portapotties (which are DIFFERENT to ours -- they look like something you'd see on Tattooine, all white and trapezoidal...) and saw her running down the last hundred yards or so.
We made our way back to the finishing area -- where, sadly, they had just taken down the arch -- and everyone started cheering. I especially liked that the high school kids made a corridor and cheered for her. And of course it made me weepy.
It's funny, I spent a little while at toward the end of the race mentally composing a "DLF" blog post. And I can't pretend that I'm glad I didn't come in DLF. But I've also realized that it would be okay -- WILL be okay -- if and when I get my first DLF.
All in all, a great event. Nice course, friendly staff and volunteers, and a good looking medal. And, two days later, I have a renewed respect for people who walk long distances. I think it's harder than running them!
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course map |
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course elevation |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Mile High Half Marathon!
I'm working the expo at the Run Happy Cavalcade of Curiosities -- and in return I get to run the race. I'm both excited (another state!) and nervous (umm, no Wil? altitude?) but happy to have the opportunity.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
teeny tiny Tuesday treadmill trot
Warmed up just fine, and then midway through my first interval I had a bit of pain in the front of my left shin. Hmmm. I ran through it, and then didn't really feel any pain in the second interval. Still, I was feeling a little bored and a little antsy so I cut the run short.
Sure, I probably should have worked through it so I could write about how I overcame adversity (ha!) or got the job done regardless. But I didn't.
Sometimes it's about making the right decision for the day. Besides, I'm in my race taper for Sunday's half marathon...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Iron Girl 5K Race Report
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"I'm so proud of you, total stranger!" |
But we took it easy and just slowly worked our way through the crowd for the first mile. It was a warm, humid morning, and a little strange that so much of the run was on the outside loop. But around we went, cutting in by the golf course in time for the water stop by the aqua theater.
Suz kept us moving at a steady pace, while I just kept chattering away. We passed mile 2, then 2.5, and then we could start to hear the finish line announcer. I warned Suz that the finish area might be weird -- we might need to do some weird little loop -- and she said the thought that was the case. (I always think of the finish at Chelanman, with "just a loop around the parking lot" before the actual finish....)
who doesn't love a personalized bib? |
But we got to the finish area and realized that it was just a straight shot to the line... and Suz took off. I mean, TOOK OFF. So we sprinted towards the line, while I kept saying "Nothing in the tank! Go go go!" Suz told me that she was concentrating on neither tripping nor throwing up. :)
We collected our medals, took a nice post-race photo, got our food bags, did a little stretching, and then headed home. All in all a nice 5K -- and a great job by Suz running a PR!
and a good-looking medal to boot! |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
sooo... about Sunday night...
The neighbors were also outside, which is the only thing that kept me from shrieking several Olde Englishe words. I did, however, whisper them VERY LOUDLY as I struggled to stay upright. Wil asked what was wrong, and I said, "I think I just broke my effing leg."
Given that it was pitch black and he couldn't see where I was, let alone what position I was in, he asked me to repeat myself.
I said, "I just smacked in to the footstool -- I think I broke my leg."
Some more whispered cursing followed, and then I went inside. I had started to feel woozy -- so Wil told me to go sit at the foot of the stairs.... a wise move, given our concrete-floored basement and all the spiky things in the basement (bikes, tools, racks of plates...).
Within a few moments, apparently, I fainted. I remember feeling as if I was spinning -- and I could hear Wil but couldn't move my arms to grab him. Finally he was right there, next to me, and I had stopped. I kept trying to tell him that I couldn't stop the spinning, and he just kept asking my name. I kept saying, "But I was spinning -- and I couldn't stop it" and he kept saying "TELL ME YOUR NAME!!!". Finally I stopped and said, "It's Sunny. Sunny Delaney."
I sat there a few more minutes and started to ask what happened... but when I thought about it, I felt woozy again. Wil finished bringing everything inside and helped me up the stairs and into bed. I sat there for a while -- Wil making me eat something with salt and sugar in it -- some energy bar we had picked up at Bumbershoot earlier in the day.
I felt a lot better, but didn't move my leg -- and Wil had covered it up with a sheet so I wouldn't look at it and feel woozy again. Then, suddenly, I was rather spectacularly sick. Sure, Wil had been prepared with that, too, so I had a sturdy hole-less bag at the ready. But wow. Sick and sick and sick and sick. Wil reported afterward (since he valiantly removed said bag and took it outside) that it was "Heavy. And quite... solid feeling."
And then I was fine. Oh, and I ate a piece of toast with jam and peanut butter -- more sugar and salt. Wil is a very good doctor. :)
Woke up Monday morning with a huge bruise on my left shin, a bit of swelling, but clearly no break. Just a good, solid bone bruise. Good times.
It's almost funny -- if I had had a glass or two of wine, I wouldn't have been moving so quickly across the darkened garden and wouldn't have smacked my leg so hard. (At least, that's my theory....) It has also reminded me that I should be getting more calcium in my brittle old bones.
I haven't run on the leg yet -- might try a little loop around the block tomorrow -- but I'm sure I'll be fine and hopefully able to keep up with Suz at the Iron Girl 5K this weekend!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Heavy Medal
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Green Lake Run with Suz
Friday, August 19, 2011
running crafts - race bib keeper

Yeah, those letters are glittery. Black glitter, of course.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
not the average day at the office
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
National Thrift Store Day
It seems that today is National Thrift Store Day... which prompted an evening visit to our local Goodwill. I was hoping to find something amusing or inspirational... and I clearly found both.
The Elvis sunglasses are inherently amusing. Were they ever cool or in good taste? Hell no. Then again, neither were the jumpsuits... Still,they remind me of our trip to Graceland, when we decided we should never be apart.
As far as inspiration goes, I have been daydreaming about running a race dressed as Elvis one day. Finding these felt like a nudge from the thrift store gods. Okay, so, my ideal Elvis is the 68 Comeback Special Elvis,who wouldn't have worn these glasses. But for 99 cents, they were irresistible.
Strike a Pose
Today, on two different sites, I saw the term "Pose Running". I swear I have never heard of it before. (Have you?) Apparently, it's based on Dr. Nicholas Romanov's "Pose Method" -- "Efficient, injury-free movement taught through poses. Use the Pose Method techniques to prevent injuries and to dramatically improve your athletic performance."
The "PoseTech" site is pretty interesting, and I admit I've only skimmed it, but it seems like one of those perfect runner's lures. First, it's been around for a while -- since 1977. Second, it doesn't require special equipment, just some coaching. Third, it is described as a way to combat fear: "Imagine training and racing without fear... no fear of not knowing what you're doing, no fear of injuries, no fear of not beeing good at your sport, no fear of overtraining... "
I think it looks a little like Chi Running... but I'm sure an expert would tell me that I'm nuts. :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
a little run...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Great Alaskan Marathon Cruise Race Report
What an amazing week we had! It was a glorious trip -- great people, fun times. And, of course, a big, honkin' Penguin medal!!! We're already thinking about when we can go to the Carribbean... 2013, perhaps?
I would wholeheartedly recommend this trip to anyone who likes to run or walk. John and Jenny are fantastic, the race stages are fun, but the best part was the fellowship of runners. Meeting complete strangers who "get it" -- for whom it is perfectly normal to fly somewhere to run for a couple of hours, who know the importance of a nice medal, and who understand that it's wrong to wear a shirt for a race you haven't run.
As usual, I've written too much... and the race reports are mixed in with the vacation reports. But here are links to the different days:
Day 1 we sailed from Seattle and met the group
Day 2 we ran stage 1 - a very wet 3-mile deck run
Day 3 we ran stage 2 - a 10-mile trail run in Juneau -- and we went whale watching
Day 4 we visited the Hubbard Glacier
Day 5 we ran stage 3 - a 10K "amazing race" in Sitka
Day 6 we ran stage 4 - a 7-mile trail run in Ketchikan
Day 7 we celebrated our successes
Thanks to John and Jenny for putting this together, to Mila for making things run smoothly, and all of our fellow alumni for such an amazing adventure. Run happy, everyone!