
Monday, August 2, 2010

July recap, August plans

Well, I missed my mileage goal for July -- but at least I was close this month! I feel as if I have perhaps turned a corner and will be able to get myself moving again. I sure hope so!

I did, however, do well with my fundraising for Girls on the Run -- great to cross the $1000 mark already. There's still a long way to go, but I feel more positive about it than I did at the outset.

Other good things from July -- FINALLY getting the treadmill moved (though I STILL haven't gone up to Picnic when they're open to buy the thank-you bubbly!). Running my first Torchlight Run and actually enjoying it. Getting the NYC Marathon "Get Started Guide" in the mail, and knowing it was really going to happen!

August plans -- well, obviously more running. The mileage starts going up, with a 10-miler happening towards the end of the month, in preparation for the half marathon in early September. I need to get us back on a schedule -- NYC is less than 100 days away!

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