
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nike+ Human Race 2009

Friday evening went to Road Runner to pick up our race packets for the Nike+ Human Race -- figuring there would be a race number, maybe some coupons or gel samples, etc. Was pleasantly surprised to discover that the packets included shirts -- very nice tech shirts -- with this year's "bib". Not bad for a free gift -- thanks Nike.

Was a little surprised to learn that the group run would start at 7:30. Oh, umm... So it will surprise no one that we snoozed past the group run time and joined the Human Race much later in the day, where we ran the 10K loop around to Golden Gardens, up the steep hill, and then a bit of meandering to pad the mileage (kilometerage?) at the end.

All in all a very nice run (really nice to start a run with a downhill!). Tomorrow is a 12-miler, which has been very difficult to plot out. I've got good 16 milers, and a good 10 miler, but the 12 miles doesn't have a logical "location". I don't want an out and back on the BGT, so basically I'm adding some time at the start to go down to the locks and then run along the "missing link" to the BGT. Not the nicest route, but I just can't figure out a good one. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

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