Okay, so we haven't gotten out and run all week. But today I did a little prep for our trip -- printing out our reservations, gathering our race stuff, etc. I searched around for our pirate ears (I failed, but Wil has just unearthed them -- hooray!), which reminded me of Bats Day, which was, crazily enough, the last time we were at Disneyland!
That in turn reminded me of the fine folks at Drunk Rockers, whom we met while waiting for the big castle photo op. I hadn't looked at their site for a while, so was amused to find these in their Bats Day Collection.

"When is this photo op, anyway?"

"Oh, is that a camera you have there ma'am?"
See the whole range (and lots of lovely goths!) at their
2009 Bats Day collection.
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