A couple of developments on the fitness front -- due to the lack of progress on the Ballard LA Fitness, we decided to go ahead and sign up for a year's membership at Olympic Athletic Club. I like the weird, higgledy-piggledy layout, I like their class schedule, I like that they're local. Sure, I don't like the fact that I'm effectively paying for other people's childcare, but, hey. Wil's worried about the pool; which may be an issue, but otherwise I'm pleased with the set up. Plus, we now have free parking in downtown Ballard...

I'm in NYC now, on business, and had hoped to get out for a run today before my committee meeting -- but the late sunrise, early work start, and my growing realizzation that Midtown isn't such a great place to run meant that I didn't manage to get out. Oh, and did I mention the arctic weather? It's very, very cold. Still, weather permitting, I have an awesome route mapped out for tomorrow -- maybe. It's a little ambitious, and a little weird... I'll tell you about it if I run it. If I don't, I'll just delay that particular itinerary until I'm back in May. Weather should be warmer then...
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